Monday, July 9, 2007

On a Monday morning, who doesn't need a bit of cheering up, or at least a five-minute escape from Monday "ness."?

1. The Museum of Online Museums: spend some time wandering around the National Gallery of Art, or check out the Smithsonian Art Museum Weblog.

2. At The Internet Archive, you can find everything from recordings of concerts to those nifty old postwar social conformity "mental hygiene" films from the 1950's.

3. Enchanted Ceiling: Photos of the sky above various places all over the world.

My apologies for the lack of title to this post. For some reason, Blogger won't let me into that field. Weirdness. It is The Post That Would Not Be Titled.


j said...

Thanks for Enchanted Ceiling... what a lovely thing!

Seven of Two said...

You're welcome! It's one of my favorite sites.