Saturday, September 8, 2007

Madeleine L'Engle

Madeleine L'Engle, November 29, 1918 - September 6, 2007

She wrote stories featuring smart female protagonists when that just "wasn't done." She wove brilliant tapestries of ideas from the simplest, cleanest turns of phrase. Some of the stories she wrote involved interplanetary travel, time travel, evil incarnate, billion-year-old beings (who once were stars), religion, love and physics--but the stories never fell apart.

Like many people, my experience with her work is limited to the Time quartet and one or two of her other novels. Until I read about her death, I had no idea she had written so many things. As it is, I'm already building a reading list in my head.

I could post "Patrick's Rune," but I won't. If you'd like to read it, it's in this MetaFilter thread (which is itself worth the read).

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