Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hello, Kitty?

One of the major problems with the Web is that it allows you to more or less Google your own brain. You can grab onto the smallest piece of an idea and, after a quick search or two, tap into a huge pile of knowledge you didn't even know existed. Having crammed that knowledge into your brain, you begin to get ideas. For example, I randomly Googled "Hello Kitty" awhile back, and turned up Hello Kitty Hell. After reading a few posts, I realized that my inner five-year-old was all "OOOOOOOoooooooooooooo, that's cuuuuuuuuuuuute!"

Oddly, my actual five-year-old self wasn't into Hello Kitty. At five, I probably would have thought Hello Kitty was "babyish." Also, how would you "play" Hello Kitty? You could maybe brush your teeth with a Hello Kitty toothbrush or something, but if it couldn't be built, invented, adorned with paint and glitter or in some way "improved" by the addition of cardboard, I was pretty much out. Basically, I missed the whole Hello Kitty Experience.

While I can't see giving our guest bathroom a Hello Kitty makeover, I can totally see some Post-It notes shaped like Hello Kitty's ginormous head. Earlier this week, I checked Amazon, Target and even Sanrio's website. Fail. Either the product doesn't exist, or my Google-Fu is lacking in Fu-ishness (or Googleosity. Or something).

I thought the backbone of the Hello Kitty merchandising phenomenon was stationery. No Post-It's? Fail, fail fail, Kitty!

Maybe I should just break down and buy a Hello Kitty laptop instead. Then I could send the cuuuutest e-mails EVAR instead of leaving notes.

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