As the tagline implies, this blog is dedicated to whatever happens to be on my mind when I feel like making a post. Though this has not heretofore been evident in the content of this blog, I do have more on my mind than food and language. The upcoming election has drawn me out of my safe little shell of posts aobut food and random DIY projects and into the real of posts about things that really do matter to me.
It would be easy to jump on the Obama bandwagon and not look back. I could vote for him just because he's a liberal and hey, I'm a liberal too! Awesome! Pass me a beer, I'll see you guys in November! That, however, wouldn't be responsible or satisfying.
In the coming months, I'll continue to read up on the issues that interest me and begin to post my findings here. For the most part, it will be newsfilter, links-to-informed-opinions-filter and, yes, the odd post about weird German candy. As I continue to transition from a voting decision based on gut feeling to one based on facts and reflection, I'll post my own takes on specific issues (with the caveat that I'm not even close to an expert on the economy, health care or any other Big Election Year Issue).
Feedback, links, citations and political discourse are welcome.
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